
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Hepatitis: its symptoms and treatment

Ubqari Magazine - May 2013

It is basically a liver problem. Pale eyes are the basic symptoms of this disease. It is of many types.

Hepatitis (A):

Symptoms of hepatitis A are:

  • Loss of appetite
  • Inflammation in liver

Hepatitis (B):

This type is very dangerous; it can be transferred from one patient to the other through infected blood, sweating or through various pores.

Hepatitis (C):

  • This disease usually attack males.
  • It attacks mostly between the ages of 20-39.
  • As it is transformed  through blood so it causes joints pain,
  • Headache, cough, high fever, and sore throat due to the virus spread through blood

We usually insist on your routine nerves check-ups of hepatitis, the way people do not ignore their blood sugar in the same way they shouldn’t ignore these check-ups yearly or monthly. Why nerves check-up? We insist on nerves as its early stages can be diagnosed through nerves only and not blood examination. It happened many times that when patients go through blood examination for hepatitis, not finding any more germs they stop their treatment without doctor’s advice. As a result, it again attacks the patient after some time. Clear eyes and clear examination does not mean that this disease has finished. Usually drinking lot of water and 2-4 drips of glucose also makes the eyes clear. We can also find some nasal and eye drops which clear the eyes but this is not our main issue.Our requirement is its proper treatment on proper time.Hepatitis is basically not a disease but it indicates towards malfunctioning of liver.


Its main causes are:

  • Polluted and dirty water,
  • Germs transferred through dirty hands.


To avoid this disease follow certain precautions:

  • Wash your hands repeatedly with soap.
  • Used sterilized surgical and dental instrument by Cidex
  • Dentists
  • Bandage instrument,
  • Cleanliness of instruments of barber
  • New needle for ear piercing instruments
  • And mainly sterilised instruments for circumcision.
  • New syringes for vaccinations

Suitable intake:

Chapatti, Nan, Rice , Moongkhichdi, Sago, radish, Barley, sugar-cane, lentils, Dairy products esp. camel’s milk, Meat will less fats, Dry fruits, Lassi (diluted milk), milk shakes, custard,And continuous use of honey

Things those are injurious for hepatitis patients:

Use less cooking oil or ghee, less spices, no creams, no potatoes, no arums (arvi)

Initial treatments

Hepatitis patients’ needs efficient treatments by a renowned doctor and avoid self-treatments.  Hepatitis caused by any reason is only due to the chemical changes of bile. Considering this the main cause we suggest you certain remedies against this disease.


  • Ask the patient to take complete bed rest considerably in clean and cool environment.
  • Quit all mental and physical stress.
  • Eat murabbah of carrots (preserved carrots) by washing it with clean water.
  • Boil 4-5 green cardamoms with a tea spoon of aniseeds. Have this tea 3, 4 times daily by adding sugar in it.
  • Have very light gravy of pumpkin by adding coriander,cumin seeds, ginger, garlic and black pepper, but remember not to add green or red chillies in it, nor any sour thing not any spices.

Try to take the same light meal 2, 3 days.

  • Fruits like banana, watermelon, melon, white pomegranate are very beneficial.
  • Avoid eating grains for few days.
  • A patient can have radish,carrot, cucumber, dal mong, and porridge. Loki and tori can be eaten too but should be cooked without spices.
  • If weakness is felt then take honey
    • Eat papaya where ever available; wash grapes and eat them too
    • Do not drink glucose.

These precautions will make the patient feel better within few days. A patient of hepatitis also gets rid of almost all the symptoms within few days. Physically the patient feel healthy and the yellowness of eyes and urination starts fading and the blood reports also shows positive result. These precautions are better than fake doctors which are present all around the country. But a good doctor‘s importance and necessity cannot be replaced. Do not relax until you show your pulse to a good doctor as hepatitis cannot be noticed otherwise.

Always remember

One should always remember that not to stop the treatment without doctor’s advice. Using all these things the patient should also go through Ubqari medicine for hepatitis “HEPATITIS NIJAAT SYRUP”. The course is of 10 bottles.

Secondly extract juice of radish leaves (250g). Add as much sugar as required. Drink for 7 days.

Soak arjun leaves (TERMINALLA ARJUN) in a mud pot at night. Strain in the morning& drink. Then soak in morning and drink it in evening. Do this for 21 days continuously.

Take. 25 gram of seeds of fenugreek and same quantity of cardamom seeds grind them together and have a spoon of it twice a day, along with milk.

Pumpkin seeds milk is very beneficial in hepatitis.

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